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Total Time (ms)

Max Memory (RSS, KiB)



Wrong Answer

Subtask Results

Subtask no. Testdata Range Constraints Score
1 0~1 範例測資。 0 / 0
2 2~13 $n \le 3000$。 0 / 13
3 14~24 $n \le 5 \times 10 ^ 4$。 0 / 21
4 25~30 無額外限制。 0 / 66

Testdata Results

Testdata no. Subtasks Time (ms) Memory (VSS, KiB) Memory (RSS, KiB) Verdict Score
0 1 0053.4 62472 22248 Accepted 100
1 1 0051.9 62472 22156 Accepted 100
2 2 0072.1 62472 22296 Accepted 100
3 2 0071.6 62472 22360 Wrong Answer 0
4 2 0071.8 62472 22360 Accepted 100
5 2 0072.8 62472 22344 Accepted 100
6 2 0076.3 62472 22348 Accepted 100
7 2 0092.8 62472 22432 Accepted 100
8 2 0092.6 62472 22432 Accepted 100
9 2 0093.1 62472 22456 Accepted 100
10 2 0092.9 62472 22384 Accepted 100
11 2 0095.7 62472 22456 Accepted 100
12 2 0106.9 62632 22668 Accepted 100
13 2 0105.7 62632 22728 Accepted 100
14 3 0217.9 64052 27104 Accepted 100
15 3 0223.7 64052 27028 Accepted 100
16 3 0219.3 64052 27164 Accepted 100
17 3 0229.7 64052 26852 Accepted 100
18 3 0223.7 64052 27124 Accepted 100
19 3 0226.2 64052 27020 Accepted 100
20 3 0232.9 64052 27096 Accepted 100
21 3 0113.2 64052 22960 Wrong Answer 0
22 3 0143.3 63284 24640 Accepted 100
23 3 0183.9 64052 27016 Accepted 100
24 3 0228.9 64052 27140 Accepted 100
25 4 1146.0 74804 59628 Accepted 100
26 4 1169.4 74804 59468 Accepted 100
27 4 0274.3 74804 27984 Wrong Answer 0
28 4 0609.6 74804 43216 Accepted 100
29 4 0499.9 74804 59540 Accepted 100
30 4 1179.1 74804 59432 Accepted 100
Code Length:
1.99 KB
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