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Total Time (ms)

Max Memory (RSS, KiB)




Subtask Results

Subtask no. Testdata Range Constraints Score
1 0~2 N=1 4 / 4
2 3~7 1N|Si|20 6 / 6
3 3~17 1N|Si|300 15 / 15
4 3~26 1N|Si|3500 25 / 25
5 0~39 1N|Si|2×105 50 / 50

Testdata Results

Testdata no. Subtasks Time (ms) Memory (VSS, KiB) Memory (RSS, KiB) Verdict Score
0 1 5 0040.0 24700 14100 Accepted 100
1 1 5 0064.8 25504 14776 Accepted 100
2 1 5 0044.9 24936 14244 Accepted 100
3 2 3 4 5 0013.5 23448 13016 Accepted 100
4 2 3 4 5 0013.8 23448 13028 Accepted 100
5 2 3 4 5 0013.5 23448 13028 Accepted 100
6 2 3 4 5 0013.3 23448 12972 Accepted 100
7 2 3 4 5 0013.4 23448 12960 Accepted 100
8 3 4 5 0013.6 23448 12952 Accepted 100
9 3 4 5 0013.5 23448 12976 Accepted 100
10 3 4 5 0013.5 23448 13036 Accepted 100
11 3 4 5 0014.2 23448 12880 Accepted 100
12 3 4 5 0013.7 23448 12976 Accepted 100
13 3 4 5 0013.5 23448 13028 Accepted 100
14 3 4 5 0013.4 23448 13028 Accepted 100
15 3 4 5 0013.5 23448 12956 Accepted 100
16 3 4 5 0013.4 23448 13024 Accepted 100
17 3 4 5 0013.7 23448 13084 Accepted 100
18 4 5 0013.9 23448 13196 Accepted 100
19 4 5 0015.2 23596 13164 Accepted 100
20 4 5 0013.9 23448 13056 Accepted 100
21 4 5 0013.8 23448 13024 Accepted 100
22 4 5 0013.9 23448 13032 Accepted 100
23 4 5 0013.7 23448 13164 Accepted 100
24 4 5 0013.8 23448 13064 Accepted 100
25 4 5 0014.1 23448 13104 Accepted 100
26 4 5 0013.9 23448 13000 Accepted 100
27 5 0261.7 31356 19904 Accepted 100
28 5 0108.1 26564 15720 Accepted 100
29 5 0138.8 28232 17184 Accepted 100
30 5 0048.0 25076 14448 Accepted 100
31 5 0065.6 25612 14888 Accepted 100
32 5 0092.2 26728 15772 Accepted 100
33 5 0134.3 27856 17072 Accepted 100
34 5 0101.4 26532 15864 Accepted 100
35 5 0311.0 32212 20664 Accepted 100
36 5 0089.1 26112 15276 Accepted 100
37 5 0058.4 26516 15640 Accepted 100
38 5 0078.9 27680 16736 Accepted 100
39 5 0066.7 27012 16112 Accepted 100
Code Length:
3.32 KB
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