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Total Time (ms)

Max Memory (RSS, KiB)




Subtask Results

Subtask no. Testdata Range Constraints Score
1 0~4 n3;|xi|,|yi|10 9 / 9
2 0~9 n100 30 / 30
3 10~14 1in,yi=zi=0 11 / 11
4 0~49 No additional constraints. 50 / 50

Testdata Results

Testdata no. Subtasks Time (ms) Memory (RSS, KiB) Verdict Score
0 1 2 4 0000.0 3404 Accepted 100
1 1 2 4 0000.0 3300 Accepted 100
2 1 2 4 0000.0 3284 Accepted 100
3 1 2 4 0000.0 3352 Accepted 100
4 1 2 4 0000.0 3192 Accepted 100
5 2 4 0000.0 3320 Accepted 100
6 2 4 0000.0 3192 Accepted 100
7 2 4 0000.0 3348 Accepted 100
8 2 4 0000.0 3280 Accepted 100
9 2 4 0000.0 3268 Accepted 100
10 3 4 0000.0 3336 Accepted 100
11 3 4 0000.0 3296 Accepted 100
12 3 4 0076.0 3492 Accepted 100
13 3 4 0052.0 3452 Accepted 100
14 3 4 0004.0 3372 Accepted 100
15 4 0080.0 3476 Accepted 100
16 4 0056.0 3388 Accepted 100
17 4 0004.0 3440 Accepted 100
18 4 0148.0 3404 Accepted 100
19 4 0104.0 3304 Accepted 100
20 4 0032.0 3440 Accepted 100
21 4 0008.0 3324 Accepted 100
22 4 0060.0 3292 Accepted 100
23 4 0032.0 3492 Accepted 100
24 4 0036.0 3384 Accepted 100
25 4 0012.0 3392 Accepted 100
26 4 0048.0 3408 Accepted 100
27 4 0028.0 3412 Accepted 100
28 4 0004.0 3448 Accepted 100
29 4 0020.0 3472 Accepted 100
30 4 0000.0 3300 Accepted 100
31 4 0008.0 3348 Accepted 100
32 4 0008.0 3412 Accepted 100
33 4 0012.0 3420 Accepted 100
34 4 0000.0 3328 Accepted 100
35 4 0088.0 3492 Accepted 100
36 4 0096.0 3308 Accepted 100
37 4 0024.0 3368 Accepted 100
38 4 0116.0 3584 Accepted 100
39 4 0116.0 3556 Accepted 100
40 4 0116.0 3516 Accepted 100
41 4 0116.0 3456 Accepted 100
42 4 0116.0 3416 Accepted 100
43 4 0140.0 3556 Accepted 100
44 4 0144.0 3484 Accepted 100
45 4 0144.0 3516 Accepted 100
46 4 0144.0 3456 Accepted 100
47 4 0152.0 3532 Accepted 100
48 4 0140.0 3428 Accepted 100
49 4 0140.0 3508 Accepted 100
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