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# PID Submitter Time Memory Verdict Compiler Code Length Score Submit Time
245559 1055 FelixTuan 0 0 CE c++14 368 Bytes 0 2021-03-10 22:54:28
245558 1055 FelixTuan 10 3668 WA c++14 330 Bytes 75 2021-03-10 22:51:43
245507 1055 The Old D 10 3656 AC c++14 482 Bytes 100 2021-03-10 15:50:36
242818 1055 HubertC1 10 3556 AC c++14 716 Bytes 100 2021-03-01 13:30:46
242422 1055 半個岳飛 10 3604 AC c++14 343 Bytes 100 2021-02-26 23:33:41
240197 1055 Darren 10 3612 AC c++14 440 Bytes 100 2021-02-12 15:44:48
239228 1055 gunjyo 10 3616 AC c++14 207 Bytes 100 2021-02-07 16:40:43
236749 1055 ezrealcarry 10 3608 AC c++14 355 Bytes 100 2021-01-29 02:22:36
236748 1055 ezrealcarry 10 3740 WA c++14 355 Bytes 75 2021-01-29 02:21:50
236747 1055 ezrealcarry 10 3668 WA c++14 228 Bytes 75 2021-01-29 02:18:38